Sonntag, 16. März 2014

Stay tuned... just kiddin'.

A promise which couldn't be fulfilled. Apparently I was too busy living. One might think this was a sign of tons of fluffy powder. Unfortunately not. The Northern Alps have never seen such a snowless winter. Still we had these amazing days. Sunny days right before christmas. Those fluffy powder days on the Southern side of our world. And so many beautiful mornings waking up inside the most amazing car of the world. This guy costs a fortune, stinks like hell, leaves us waiting quite often and still stands for the best decision we've ever made.

I'd follow you. To the end of the world, if only you would ask me to.

Marocco, here we come!

Freitag, 15. November 2013

A way we go.

This is it. The winter's here. There are no words which could describe the endless happiness. Theo is packed, the music is loaded, the snowboard is waxed... Stay tuned.

Donnerstag, 22. August 2013


Someone, who doesn't randomly appear in my daily playlists. Even more reason to share these extraordinary tunes. It won't be officially released before october, enjoy it until then. It will be ruined by public radio stations anyway.

UPDATE: already spotted by the radio. d***.

Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013

Kribbeln im Bauch.

Do you remember? I had the same post- title a few years ago, followed by the most awful gay song in the world.
This time it is not about a cheesy song. It's about the tickling feeling, when your stomach don't know where to go best, when your fingers can't stand still and your mind is far away from your body. The chest hurts and all you want to do is shout out loud. You become kind of a weirdo. And people might think you need brain surgery.
The truth is, all you need is to set off. Start the engine, slip the seat back, put in good tunes. And start the journey. It's never about the destination, it's always about the journey. The trip itself. To be able to decide. Where to go and where to stay. Where to see the sun setting and where to see it rising. The feeling of walking on the wild side. Even when you' re just around the corner of your home.

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

34 Grad im Schatten.

Insane heatwaves covering the country. Put on the fan, close the curtains and listen.

Dienstag, 11. Juni 2013

Dreh dich um.

Stolen tunes this time. From a most important man. Who isn't afraid of finding new ways by making mistakes. Over and over again, if necessary. And still sticks to the truth. Which deserves all my admiration. Someone who acts like a little boy. But still counts on the mind of the old.  A boy who opens his eyes always a little bit wider than the rest.

Danke dafür und den Rest.

Freitag, 24. Mai 2013


Things change. And days go by. Even if you don't move at all. Good tunes stay...



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