Sonntag, 16. März 2014

Stay tuned... just kiddin'.

A promise which couldn't be fulfilled. Apparently I was too busy living. One might think this was a sign of tons of fluffy powder. Unfortunately not. The Northern Alps have never seen such a snowless winter. Still we had these amazing days. Sunny days right before christmas. Those fluffy powder days on the Southern side of our world. And so many beautiful mornings waking up inside the most amazing car of the world. This guy costs a fortune, stinks like hell, leaves us waiting quite often and still stands for the best decision we've ever made.

I'd follow you. To the end of the world, if only you would ask me to.

Marocco, here we come!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Liebe Hanna,
    ich freue mich dass du ein Jahr durchgehalten hast, ohne diesen Blog weiter zu füttern. Nun stellt sich mir aber dir Frage, wann geht es endlich weiter?
    LG, dein Markus




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